The current Ofsted inspection framework is no longer fit-for-purpose and should be legally challenged. Schools should not be judged. In this post, we explain why.

  •  31/10/2021 14:40
4 min read

One of the first tasks that needs to be done when taking on a special measures school is to recalibrate the compass. They are heading in the wrong direction. It’s not that teachers aren’t working incredibly hard or lack the pedagogical know-how. It’s simply a question of them doing the wrong things.

  •  19/09/2014 11:39
6 min read

I am currently scratching a seven-year itch. It was in 2007 that my current school came out of special measures and I can’t wait to get stuck in to my next one, seven years later. On 1st July, we sponsor a nearby primary school and so we begin again the journey of transforming a school from special measures to outstanding.

  •  09/05/2014 11:59
5 min read