We offer structured coaching programmes for headteachers, system leaders and CEOs. It is ideal for performance management, those new in post, or team/organisational development (e.g. new teams).

The objective of coaching ultimately is to improve performance. We work on the 'inner game equation', namely, that: Performance = Potential minus Interference. The coaching focus is therefore always on improving performance by growing potential (goals) and decreasing interference (obstacles). The premise always is that the goal can only be achieved if the obstacle can be identified and removed. This then leads to improved performance.

We use the Four-Part Authentic Leader Model from Andrew's latest book to help structure the sessions, ensuring that we work our way round each of the four-quadrants before moving on to the next. 

Each coaching programme consists typically of a number of agreed sessions (ideally 4 to 6). These are then spread over a period of time, most likely anywhere between 6 weeks and 6 months. The initial Discovery session will allow us to get to understand the context/background of the coachee and to build relationships and to manage expectations in terms of contracting. All sessions are via Zoom, although face-to-face sessions can be arranged at a venue of your choice.

If you’d like to receive more information on how coaching can benefit your school or MAT, please complete the form. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.